A question I get asked almost every day is:
"Are you staying for Christmas?"
Christmas time at the strong farm is the favorite time of the year, and not just for the kids the adults love it too! Its a time of year when everyone gets a new item of clothing to show off, and a small present to go with it. They have meat for one of the only times in the year and they dance and party like any great Indian family does. They celebrate it with a church service and the school does a nativity play.
No one can believe that I am here so close to christmas, but not actually staying for it!
This has been a really rough year for the Good Shepherd Agricultural Mission, both financially and emotionally, with the death of the woman all the kids call Grandma, who was the director of the mission, Maxine Strong.
They will struggle financially with Christmas this year, as they struggle to make ends meet let alone provide one night of festivities. I am asking that you would all think about donating to the orphanage this year, especially for christmas.
No matter what happens, this family of 200 strong will enjoy themselves at christmas. While they are not all blood related, they know the significance and the blessedness of having "family" to share it with more than most. Christmas for them is the one time in the year when they get to live "extravagantly", and when i say extravagantly, I mean with one new set of clothes each, a single present to enjoy and some extra zing to add to their curry by the way of meat.
Help the staff and the Shipways (directors) be able to afford to keep up this tradition the kids and the adults so love here. When i think of all we have at Christmas, i would gladly give it away to give this amazing family their extra special day of the year.
Just $15 gives two girls an outfit each. Just $10 provides every kid with a piece of fruit each, and fruit is prized like chocolate.
Please donate either via paypal if you would like more specific items, through their catalogue.
(oops so i fail at linking like that :S here the url copy adn paste it. haha http://indianorphanage.com/get-involved/donate-financially.html)
And do it now, so you don't have the excuse of forgetting.
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