Sunday, January 30, 2011

an apology

you know that feeling when you know its going to be too little too late, then you leave it a time longer and only then decide that maybe you should have done something about it when that original thought popped into your head? and now...well, you may as well not bother.

that's sorta how Ive been feeling the past few weeks, when i think that the last i posted was about Italy, an entire month ago! what adventures i have had since then, but where has the writing gone to? well, some of it is on the computer that was stolen in Madrid from my youth hostel locker, andthe rest is in my head waiting for an opportunity long enough to spit it all out into the page!

Borrowing youth hostel computers has the disadvantage that i do not get to save and come back to my work, and when i have the opportunity to write, it is not long enough to actually produce something. so I'm gonna leave this until i get home and update those of you who can be bothered reading very out of date information, in a couple of weeks!

Just a brief taster if i may though...

Barcelona is now one of my favorite cities and i have fallen in love with their leading artist, Gaudi.

Seville is the only city of have seen that has orange trees growing along the main shopping strip.

Madrid is a city, and in a city there are annoying fellows who steal things, and my laptop, Jamie's phone and all my photos fell victim to such a fellow.

Paris- oh Paris how can i describe you in just a sentence??? it's OK, i will not bother.

Scotland the only land where men are permitted to wear skirts and carry handbags and this be seen as manly, i am sure of it.

to be continued my friends. only a week until i get home!

thank you for reading

all my love xoxox


  1. glad to have a tiny overview of th past month but cannot wait till i hear the WHOLE story in less than a week! :D

    Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. This is a gorgeous update. I'm pleased to hear you've still been having an awesome time despite silly thieving men! Can't wait to catch up again soon and have a good long chat!
    Lots of love!

  3. Hey love, no pressure or anything, but I still would love to hear about those adventures ;)
